hiro talks a lot to himself these days. all in babble. sometimes he finds the cordless phone and talks into it. the other day he was actually 'on' the phone and gesturing with his other hand! that was adorable.

he still doesn't use words and i have to try to figure out what he means. and he hasn't been using signs much lately, either. i hope this babble is going to turn into real words soon.

he says, 'woah' all the time. something he picked up from yoshi is to say, 'WOAH' whenever food is put on the table, in a tone of voice that sounds like, 'wow, that looks great!! THANK YOU! i'm STARVING!' and it's really cute, especially when it happens at a restaurant. he also says, 'woah woah woah woah....' while falling backwards (usually from a sitting postion) but he's knocked the back of his head on a couple of walls and the bar on the cot that i have told him to knock that shit off. LOL, he still does it, though...

he's starting to take stairs confidently, though he still holds out his hands to us for higher steps, but he wants to do it himself. he also throws these spectacular temper tantrums that's really getting hard to take. just yesterday i took a toy truck away from him (poor baby) that he had taken outside (sorry baby, but i'd rather keep some toys indoors only...) and the resulting meltdown...finally had to distract him with the shower (the boy loves playing in the water). phew...