sorry for the silence. as many of you know, giving birth in japan usually means a five day stay in the hospital. the camera on my keitai broke just before tomoyuki was born, so i couldn't blog from there (the previous post was done with yoshi's keitai). we came home on sunday and have been a bit busy! i will post a birth story soon, but the baby is crying now. we have decided on a name: tomoyuki christopher.
Tomoyuki Christopher, a beautiful name! I am really fond of the name Christopher actually. I had wanted to give that as B's middle name. But we gave Branden a Japanese middle name instead. But I have always been really fond of the name Christopher. : ) And Tomoyuki is a gorgeous name too.
And figures your keitei camera broke right before you really needed it, ha ha. That is something that woulda happened to me. : )
Congrats again.
And remind me to tell the story of how I checked myself out of a Japanese hospital only four days after my last (c-section) delivery, with practically the entire hospital staff trying to talk me into staying!
Hope you're all SLEEPING -- all the best to you all.
welcome back!!!
i'm looking forward to reading your birth story when you get around to it!
i agree you picked a lovely name! it has a nice crispness to it!
hope you can fix the keitai without much hassle!
he's a handsome beast that new son of yours!
I am looking forward to your birth story. Tomoyuki Christopher sounds lovely- it flows so nicely.
I had no idea that one can blog via keitai.
It's Lindsay. No wonder I haven't heard back from you on my had another baby! Congratulations! Wow, now I really have to come visit! I figured this might be a better way to get a hold of you than email. Email me when you can at because I'd like to figure out how I might be able to come down and visit if you'd like to have me for a night. I'm not sure how far you are from Tokyo, but I'll be there from 12/29-1/7.
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