Congratulations, he's beautiful! : ) How are you feeling? Please take care of yourself. I'm glad your mom is there with you. I'm thinking about ya,my friend! : )
just a bewildered american woman stuck in japan with a husband, a boy, a girl and another little boy. if you find my sanity, you can keep it. i don't think i would know what to do with it now!
Congratulations to ur new family member. U are a proud mother of three children!
What a beautiful new addition to your family. Take care of yourself and be sure to let your mother mother you while she is there. Congratulations!!
Congratulations! A mother of three! He's beautiful!
Congratulations!!!!! He is gorgeous!! I am so glad that he waited until your Mum got here to put in an appearance!!! Take are of yourself. xxx
He is soooo BEAUTIFUL!! Congrats!
He is gorgeous! Congratulations! How are the other two taking it?
What a beautiful baby!
And a big otsuakare-sama to you!
Hope you are a happy happy family of 5!
More pics please!!!
Congratulations!! Enjoy the time you have with your mum!! He is so gorgeous!!
Beautiful, congratulations!
Tomoyuki is beautiful! A big hug from me. Hop eyou are resting up well. I can' wait to meet your new addition the next visit to Fukuoka :)
ooohhhh congrats! so beautiful!
Congratulations, he's beautiful! : ) How are you feeling? Please take care of yourself. I'm glad your mom is there with you. I'm thinking about ya,my friend! : )
A belated congratulations to you and your family. He's a cutie.
Congratulations! All of your kids are so cute! :)
He is beautiful ^_^ and you chose a perfect name for him. Congratulations from the three of us in Canada!
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