well, november is here and it's time for a post a day. yes, i'm going to do NaBloPoMo and post every day in november. wish me luck!
the other day, gaijin mama tagged me for a meme. i haven't done one in a long time, this should be fun. it's about books, i love books!
“List your (and your kids’) current seven favorite children’s books, along with their authors. Then, if you’re so inclined, tag seven fellow bloggers to do the same.”
1. The Very Hungry Caterpillar by eric carle. obviously, this is hiro's favorite. he will 'read' this on his own, saying 'ungreen' a lot (that's hiro for 'hungry', very cute')
2. Goodnight Moon by margaret wise brown. this one is for sasha, though hiro loves it, too. i have it memorized (very easy to do) and will sometimes recite it for them in the car when they get sleepy.
3. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by jk rowling. i love all the harry potter books, but the first one is rather special to me.
4. Dragonsinger by anne mccaffery. you may see a trend: i loved fantasy and sci-fi when i was a girl. i still do. i first read this book in junior high and i wanted to run away, too, and live in a fantasy world. menolly finds her place in the world, though, so i guess we all have to grow up.
5. The House With a Clock in its Walls by john bellairs. before harry potter i had the timid lewis and his magician uncle jonathan. i probably checked this book out of the library two or three times a year until i was in high school.
6. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by c.s. lewis. another escape from the real world book for me.
7. Little House in the Big Woods by laura ingalls wilder. i didn't read these books until i was in high school, but i loved them. it was especially interesting reading about making cheese and butter and all those things that many of us don't do at home any more.
i tag: medea, midori, gina, tigermama, trisha, montchan and preschool rockstar.
i find it interesting that all of my favorite children's books are also series. hm.
thanks gaijin mama!!
March 9, 2025
20 hours ago
Thanks! I'll do it on Monday!
kisses to the kids!
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