well, here we are back to the old template. just a few days and the 'new' template flaked out on me. that's ok, because i was starting to find it annoying. annoying and ugly. *sigh* there's no pleasing me!
tomorrow is friday! yay! then a three day weekend, though you wouldn't know it here, because yoshi has to go to hokkaido on monday. he also has to go the following week. am very jealous, i would love to go to hokkaido (i've never been). i was really hoping yoshi would get transferred there before sasha was born. ah well, such is life.
those of you in japan, any plans for the weekend? i need to be suficiently jealous of all of you!
March 10, 2025
6 hours ago
We are actually on holiday for five days because it's the schools autumn break. Seiju's not home though, and won't be all weekend....
It is pouring with rain here, and has been all day.
Weekend plans - today was a clean ing day. Tomorrow I have three classes in the afternoon and will babysit my friend's kid in the morning. Saturday afternoon we are meeting up with friends visiting the area, Sunday nothing, Monday nothing so far but lesson planning and a bit more junk sorting needs to go in there somewhere. Exciting, huh?!
Weekend plans - Naoki has the whole long weekend off this time around (the only one in the year nearly), and Sara is coming to stay!!! Very excited to finally meet her!!
I hope you enjoy your long weekend - sometimes just staying at home can be lots of fun!
My hubby is working all weekend, including Monday, so, I'll empathise with you!
My weekend plans. Nothing, just staying home too. : ) And my husband works Saturday and Monday. And Sunday we have our town undokai. So not much of anything this weekend. Just the kids and me. Well except for the undokai day and honestly 1 undokai was enough, but to have 2? (Shakes head), ha ha ha. : )
Ohh am thinking about baking something though. Thinking either pumpkin pie or oatmeal cookies. Will have to think a bit more before I decide. : )
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