here we are, at the end of october. man, this month seemed to have just flown by! nablopomo is right around the corner, are you joining in? i admit that blog 365 has really helped me with writing, but i was planning on writing about that in december. ha! thinking of future posts! what next, wordless wednesday? you never know...
tomorrow is halloween, what are your plans?
Oki Islands Kagura
13 hours ago
Oooh I just signed up. I'd seen the term before (on your blog?) but thought it was Spanish. *^_^*
Can you believe there's only 2 months left in the year? Freaky!
Not sure about joining? Hmmmm thinking about it. I still have a day to ponder right?
I did it two years ago and had a ball. Not sure if I'm feeling doing it this year. You'll love it. It helped me write better.
Happy Halloween Illahee!!! : )
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