it must be the white wine.
i forgot to tell you, on saturday i put up the christmas tree. what a challenge that was, mainly because i mentioned it to hiro early in the day and from then on all i heard was, 'i NEED christmas tree!' after i got it set up, then it was, 'i wanna see pretty lights!' unfortunately, the lights were upstairs and tommy was taking a nap. eventually, though, the tree was decorated and now threats of taking it down and no christmas this year float through the house....
i didn't get any sleep (saturday night), hiro came upstairs in the wee hours of the morning. sadly, i went to bed after midnight. i took him downstairs where he proceeded to kick me for the rest of the night. *sigh* 6 am wake up...trip to the store to get eggs...i finally had to flee the house so i could get to the city in time for my appointment. i went to bed early last night, but was up at 4:30 this morning. hm, i think i can see why i feel sleepy! another glass of wine, please!
feelin' sleepy
Monday, November 17, 2008
We went Christmas tree decoration shopping on the weekend and as we speak Naoki is trying to attach lights to our star for the top of the tree. Naoki sounds a lot like Hiro - Can we put up the Christmas tree, please, pretty please!! And I'm like, no we have to wait for the first weekend in December (our family tradition!).
I can't wait until I have kids that get excited about Christmas...
You should really try to get some sleep. I'm sure another one (or 2 or 3 perhaps, lol!) glass of wine will do the trick!
you don't know how badly I want my tree up. I have an ugly fake tree , but I buy a real tree for the livingroom and use the fake one for downstairs.
I'm so jealous
Hiro's "I NEED" really cracked me up. Jun is always saying "I NEED" lately. The other day I was baking something and suddenly she said, "Mama, I NEED SUGAR!" I said, "Jun, the words "need" and "sugar" should never go in the same sentence." Then I thought of the millions of times I have said, "I NEED CHOCOLATE!" Hmmm.
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