i know that i've lived through every day we've had so far (even that extra one in february), but at this end of the year, it seems to have passed by so quickly. some of it probably seems like a blur because i was rather depressed for a fair bit of it. *sigh* nothing serious, just some baby blues, but it was rather hard on me and in turn i was probably hard on loved ones and friends. i apologize to those i have offended this year.
even though christmas is coming soon, i feel charlie brownish and don't feel very festive today. i hope that will change, but the weather is cold, and frequently rainy, and bloggy friends are preparing (or have already left) for visiting 'home'. obviously, we won't be going to the US this year. and probably not next. how depressing. i have a good, happy life here in japan, don't get me wrong, but i miss my home, family and cats.
i am still feeling a bit out because i still would like to have a baby, but that's just not going to happen (well, never say never, but we're not trying, or to say, we're trying not...lol) and i think i might be grieving that a bit. i have what i want, what i need, but one more ickle baby would be nice, don't you think?
ah well, get over it already illahee. thirty days left for blog 365. i'm on a roll!
March 3, 2025
2 hours ago
I don't really get homesick living abroad except this time of year. I love christmas. :) Truth be told i haven't celebrated christmas with my own family since i got married. Now i feel old and depressed. *sigh*
We'll have a very bloggy christmas and be perfectly happy we two! :) Heck, i'll even be in your neck of hte woods for the holidays this year. :)
Thanks for adding me to your blogroll! :) :) :)
I met a woman in the weekend with 3 kids who said "Have 2 or 4, but don't have 3". Something to do with odd numbers and sibling dynamics I think. So you could always have one more to make it even???
This year has gone by so quickly! I can't believe its already December as well!!
A lot has happened this year both personally and world wide!
I guess its tough deciding when your family is finally complete. I think about it quite a bit as well, but think for my own personal logistics we'll be stopping at three. If you still are feeling that longing though maybe its something worth seriously considering! (should it be a viable option logisitc and finance wise)
Hope you feel in the christmas spirit soon! (I'm severly lacking as well...)
Although we have decorated the house and all that, I can't say I am actually in the 'christmas' mood... actually this time of the year depresses me the most - not being with my family, not sharing in the festivities of my friends and family. It sucks...
But you just have to make do with what you have and this year I am lucky because my mum and my nephew will be here on Boxing day and we will be celebrating xmas on the 27th!
Another baby sounds like a wonderful thing, if your circumstances permit it!! I don't think I will ever feel my family is complete unless we have 4 little ones... It's nice to know somebody else that doesn't shy away from big families!
I hear ya, this year did seem to zip right by, didn't it? : )
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