suddenly this week i really have a strong desire to go to an onsen. we don't really live near any so we don't go often. *sigh* maybe because it's hot and humid, and i'm sweaty, so i want to take a bath. or maybe, i first arrived in japan in july so i am getting nostalgic about that time and want to do things i enjoy in japan. oh well. hopefully we can go soon.
my pumpkin is turning green again. good news!!

pretty rose:

and does anyone know what this is? or what it becomes? it REALLY loves my pansies:

ok, time for me to get hiro off to bed (for the second time....)
That is a BEAUTIFUL sunflower!
And a very creepy bug!
omg... scary scary bug...
is it just me or does kyushu seem to have the monopoly on scary creepy crawly things?!
Pretty bug, but it definately looks as though it wouldn't hesitate to poison you!
I used to love onsens, but since having 3 kids and getting FAT there's no way I would go...
what is osen?
We have those bugs too. At least they don't shoot spiky things like the kemushi. No idea what they are.
All Gifu summers make me want to do is leave Gifu! Though this year is the coolest summer since I've been here, so I shouldn't complain.
We have two onsen close by - one very nice one in the mountains with great outside onsen too.
Sara-Lol. Kyushu definately has more than fair share of scary creepy crawly things, spiders, husbands... shit, or is that just in Kunimi perhaps?
thanks vicky!
the caterpillar really isn't that bad. it's rather soft. that one is bigger than usual (i usually kill them straight off!) and i've done a close up (hiro is holding it, and he has small fingers) so it looks big and nasty. but it isn't. my neighbors freaked out when we showed them, though, because i wanted to ask them what it was. they were all, 'KILL IT! KILL IT! IT WILL HURT YOU! AAAAAHHHHH *melodramatics*' not very helpful neighbors. but then, they seem to be waging war against the roly polies....
i'm thinking of letting one live, make a cocoon and see what comes out. hm, must find bug box.
Great photos!!!
Cool photos! BTW did you use a template for your website design or did you design yourself? i like it.
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