well, i can't think of what to write about today. we took a little trip to costco, where they didn't have a lot of what i wanted. hey, saved some yen! sasha and tommy were pretty good, and that's pretty much all i can ask for. they fell asleep on the way home, so i had a lovely quiet afternoon. then hiro got home. it's been a bit of a fight on fight off since then because they want to play outside. which is fine, until they move into the front of the house and then....well, i don't even want to think about it. we have one 'neighbor' who drives too fast (actually, both the mother and father do, with kids unbuckled...) which is horrifying, but my kids will actually start running around the block which isn't the safest thing for tommy. *sigh* but, managed to keep them here and in one piece so there's that.

yoshi will be home late, and yet the kids aren't quite asleep yet. they're in bed, so hopefully they'll sawing logs soon....