it's been a while since i posted! a little over a week i think. oops! on the 19th we went to kuri's house for the pinglet's birthday party! we had a great time, and pretty much stayed the whole afternoon and evening! the kids fell asleep in the car and were just transferred straight to bed. always a good thing!

sasha's party dress
sasha wore a beautiful dress my mom sent.

sasha & tommy

hi sasha!
the kids played in the pool for a while. actually, they went in twice, except for sasha!

thanks for the fun party, kuri, ping and pinglet!!

then on thursday kuri and the pinglet came to visit us, but just before the kids went in our pool, i found out it was camp day for hiro! i had to throw all the things he needed together, and to save the peace, i let him go in the pool while i did that. and then i left tommy and sasha with kuri and the pinglet while i ran him out to the kindy. what a pain!! but we got there in plenty of time and i think he really enjoyed it!

friday was a japanese lesson day, so we got to the kindergarten by nine, got a snack for the kids in the car and then went to my lesson. there were a lot of kids there for them to play with so i think my kids enjoyed it, too.

here are some random pictures:

this caterpillar becomes this butterfly:


fast asleep

and you can see more at my summer album on flickr. i hope to keep adding to it over the summer!