ok, i don't know the official delurking day for 2011, but it's about that time of year again, and instead of being one of the last to figure it out, i'm just going to go ahead and make today my delurking day!
um, anyone out there? i know i get plenty of hits during the day, but not many comments. not that i'm complaining! i know that (right now) my blog is just run-of-the-mill, nothing exciting or controversial here. not much swearing, either. i am going to try to take more pictures this year. last year was really bad!
so, please, if you're lurking, come on out and say hi. ask me a question, if there's anything you'd like to know about me (ha!) or my life in japan. even if you're a regular commenter, i'd love to hear from you, too!!
to get things started, i did get a question the other day (but for some reason, didn't show up on my blog...) from Japan: Home Sweet Home
"Hi Illahee,
I posted a comment on your old blog. I’m not sure what I was thinking I was catching up with all your posts. You seem to enjoy yourself in Japan. Even though I am Japanese and grew up there, I feel I have a lot to learn about the culture. So, how do you like living Japan and which parts are causing you to struggle?"
this is a tough question!! i do like living in japan, but sometimes i hate it, too. the toughest part is being so far away from my family in the US. it's also difficult when people around you don't understand your situation at all and have no sympathy for you. (the roughest part is when it's your own spouse!) i also struggle with language. speaking a bit but mostly with reading. being illiterate has been one of the hardest things to adjust to in my adult life. i hate it! i have also reached a stage where i know enough to get by and it's hard to move on to the next level. for me, anyway.
i've been in japan since 1999, and i'm really glad i came here on my own, and lived alone, first. i'm not saying this is the best way to do it, only that it was good for me! i learned a lot the first few years, about me, about living alone and about japan and about people who come here. it was very interesting, but sometimes lonely and even boring. being a wife and mother as an expat is so very different than as a single person!!
anyway, thank you to erika for her question, and good luck to her and her husband for when they move to japan!
ok lurkers, i'm waiting for you!
January 10, 2025
4 hours ago
I've been bad at even being a lurker lately, but I do pop by every now and again. I'm sort of a shy commenter but I do love all of your knitting and sewing and photos. I'll have to start commenting if I can, if you don't mind. :)
No question for you, I just wanted to let you know that I am still here reading!! Might be very quiet these days but here nethertheless.
Totally agree with the language. I have been at the same level for years and really need to step it up or I won't even be able to help the kids with the primary school homework :(
I'm still reading too! Not enough commenting of late,but I am reading!
Hi, I'm a long-time reader and lurker but do comment occasionally. I usually comment more it's just that I've been feeling a bit under the weather with all the heat and humidity we've been having over here, I just have a brain blank. :)
Hello Illahee, de-lurking here. No questions at this time, but I may have some in the next few months.
Just to hijack your comments for a bit, Gaijin Wife, helping with the kids' homework can actually be really good for your language. I now know the Japanese for equilateral triangle, acute angle, proper fractions, improper fractions and mixed numbers,and all sorts of other fancy maths words. It's actually quite fun.
I'm here! I'm here!
Questions......do you see yourself living in Japan for the rest of your life, or perhaps living somewhere else for a while?
Hi, I have been reading for a while,I'm not very good at commenting as I have a hard time expressing myself. I enjoy your blog and pictures very much. Mimi from Kentucky.
Just wanted to say hi, been lurking for a while. I found your blog through GW's blog mid last year, I knew there were a few of us foreign moms around but had no idea so many blog, I work from home and it has been really detrimental to my productivity ;) Anyway, would like to ask where in the states you are from and how often you get back there? I'm from Canada btw.
T in Tokyo
I'm here, checking up on you when I get time.
I'm not really a lurker as I think I comment occasionally, but just wanted to say "Hi!"
You've inspired me to do more craftwork and I really enjoy it. I made a few Christmas presents this year and it was really cool to see my nephew wear his new hat!
Hi.... thanks for all your visits and comments on my blog..... not much of a commenter myself..... sometimes dont even answer comments on my own blog :)
Not a lurker! Not a lurker!
Hi! I guess I should classify mysel as a lurker as I never comment... glad you've recovered from your medical issues and are back to blogging regularly!
Another lurker delurking—Canuck but from your neck of the woods, sort of (Vancouver). I never seem to have anything witty, intelligent or otherwise comment-worthy to say, but will endeavor to do better in future!
ML in Tokyo
Hello...I've commented before, just not very often. But I still read your blog with a slight twinge of envy wondering what my life would have been like if we lived in Japan.
Hi!! It's me....definitely not a lurker....lol. Can't wait to meet at the mall!!
Hi!! It's me....definitely not a lurker....lol. Can't wait to meet at the mall!!
I'm very jealous -- your blog has lots of readers. I'd love to actually have readers and lurkers. You must be doing something right!
I'm a lurker. I love reading your blog and hearing about your children but can never come up with any interesting comments. So glad that your surgery is over and everything went well. You must be relieved to have it all behind you and not have the threat of being in pain again from the gall stones. Your kids are growing up so quickly.. especially Tommy. I remember you writing about his birth, and now he looks so grown up. Hope that you have a great year. Nancy Tsurumaki
Hi Illahee,
Thank you for answering my question. Although I have traveled to many countries and
lived in Canada, Australia and the U.S., I have always subconsciously felt "illiterate" and struggled to lift myself to the same level as my American friends. I find that so many people in the U.S., who are supposed to be multi-cultured, haven't exposed themselves to other cultures enough. I often feel they judge me by my language and not by my ability. This doesn't mean I have so much ability...sad! The good things are that
I don't give up and I continue to challenge myself. I negotiate deals and complain pretty good; better than my husband. I have a big mouth and I'm not afraid to use it. The
bad thing is that I act the same way in my own country. It's not just a language problem in Japan, but the culture limits what I want to say because I am a woman and young (or old). I can live in the U.S. freely because I do not have to pretend to be something I'm not.
I don't have to make up or dress up here. I'm really scared of living in Japan. Good luck to you and myself. By the way, I am (most of the time) a lurker...ha, ha, ha.
Hello, hello! xoxo
yo dude, you always have me...
HI!!! Better late than never!?! I look forward to reading your answers to all the questions!
Hi from me too!
As usual very late to comment, but I am out there reading and always appreciate when you stop by my neck of the woods.lol
Hope the flu doesn't last too long and that your surgery goes well when it finally happens.
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