hiro's opening ceremony for elementary school was on tuesday. we don't have a lot of pictures, sorry about that!

we were a little bit late (but definitely on time for the ceremony). when we got there, hiro changed into his indoor shoes, and then we checked in. the fifth grader (who is now in sixth grade) who helped hiro on his orientation day was there. he took hiro to the front of the gym where they had their picture taken together. then he had hiro sit down while they waited for all the first graders to arrive. in the meantime, yoshi, tommy and i were supposed to sit down but tommy had other plans. *sigh* so, yoshi chased tommy a bit while i sat down to wait.

at the beginning, the students were led into the gym with their sixth grade friend and sat down in the front.

entering the gym

through the hanamichi

then the speeches began. they weren't so bad. we were introduced to the teacher, she seems nice. each student was called by name (by the teacher) who raised their hand and said, 'hai'. then the second graders came out and went up on stage. they sang a few songs, about what it's like to be a first grader ("doki-doki") and then what the calendar year is like at the school.

song from the 2nd grade

then the speeches were over, the school song was sung and then there was a group picture with everyone. after that, the kids went to their room and stood at their desks. then they sat down and the teacher explained things to them. that was pretty much it.

in the classroom

sitting at his desk

the pricipal and the teacher from the yochien both sent messages ("telegrams") to the school for hiro (other kindys did the same, though hiro is the only kid from his kindergarten at this school.) they were posted on a board outside the classroom.

message from obata-sensei

message from kindy

i *think* there are fifteen students in hiro's class. there are twelve boys and three girls. @.@ good luck to the teacher!!