sorry, i'm not very good at blogging any more. facebook takes up a lot of my time these days, though i don't post a lot over there, either. i'm afraid of sharing too much any more. afraid that things will just spill out and people won't see me as having it together. good life, happy family. what a laugh.
i've been really stressed about finances lately. nothing i can really write about, you know? wouldn't be prudent. things are fine, but things could be better. so, here i am at the end of the month, hoping to earn enough next month to keep september going....
the kids are driving me crazy. i've already sworn that i won't take them anywhere this summer, and we haven't even finished the second week of summer vacation. it's just as well, though, since i don't have a lot of extra money this year.
March 31, 2025
4 hours ago
Hey there. :)
Sorry to hear you're having worries, hope you can work something out- you usually work summer camps, right?
And I totally get you on the kids thing- Summer holidays always seem like a much better idea before they start!
Hi, me too, not much going on my blog these days. I started to turn mine into a kind of photo album, that's the most fun for us to look back on and the safest for my kids to check out (and they DO these days!). I've got a few others going though. I guess when it's all new *to you* all the parenting stuff is remarkable, but I've seriously lost interest. I stopped writing a few months ago because all I wrote about, seriously, was my crazy schedule. Got to decide what it's to be, photo album is the best idea I think.
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