poor little hiroyuki had a bad wednesday. first, he got a shot to test for tuberculosis. it was a surprise to him (well, how could we explain. he is only three and a half months old you know.) then it must of stung because he squirmed and tried to get away. but he couldn't so he started to cry. i held him close, though and he stopped right away. many other babies were crying. hiro didn't notice, though, which would have been an indication, too, if he knew what crying babies meant...

then i drove around for far too long and he got hungry. so, he had to cry in the car. poor little guy.

but the worst was wednesday evening. i was holding hiro and realized i needed to change his diaper. somehow my feet got tangled up on the activity gym and i tripped--while holding the baby. i fell onto a small table, hiro under me. luckily (and i can't help but find this funny, though it was so not funny at the time), the flowers that yoshi sent me two weeks ago were on the table, and that's what hiro landed on. basically, the lump of green floral foam and the flowers cushioned his fall. oh man, did hiro scream. but only for a few seconds (honest!) i, on the other hand, was shaking and apologizing up and down. i quickly put him on the futon and checked: yep, all arms and legs moving...nothing broken. he stopped crying right away (i picked him up after the limb check) and nursed. he even laughed on wednesday night. and he didn't seem to be in any discomfort. i was feeling guilty as hell. *sigh* on thursday he seemed ok, so i didn't take him to the hospital or clinic....