hiroyuki turned eight months old yesterday (why didn't i blog then?) at the moment he's on the floor (activity gym) learning how to crawl. or else learning how to take the gym apart. whatever. i'm letting him get on with it.
he moves around a lot now. by 'move around' i don't mean flailing his arms and legs but rolling and pushing and generally getting himself across the floor. but when he gets into the crawling position he often goes backwards. i think that a normal stge of development, right? go backwards before forwards? anyway, bedtime has become a fun activity, mommy and baby lying down on the futon and next thing you know baby is on the other side of daddy's futon saying, 'GAH! HAAARGGHHG GAH!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHH!!' which i think means, 'look at me mommy!!!! i made it all the way over here!!! but i'm still sleepy, could you put me back where i started??' from where he rolls around the futon some more. fun stuff. last night yoshi accused me of playing with him but really, i was just trying to tire him out!!
still no more hornets but it looks like some bees have decided to set up home in our neighbor's attic. the thing is, it's right near our upstairs (bedroom) window. now bees are pretty harmless, but i really don't want any flying into our house....
March 16, 2025
4 hours ago
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