one year has passed, i can hardly believe it! such a wonderful and beautiful boy who has brightened our lives so much. let's relive his birth story!
i have baked a cake and some cupcakes, which the kids and i will enjoy later. and i think we'll go to toys r us and get some freebies, as well as a birthday present from us. *sigh* my last baby is almost no longer a baby.
i wanted to make a montage for sasha, but i never got around to it (i know, i know) and after this one, i think i'll make one for her. this is so beautiful (to me anyway!) look out, there's a picture with me in it in there!
March 9, 2025
13 hours ago
He is so precious! I hope his 1st birthday clelbration is memorable and fun.
Happy Birthday sweetheart! I love the picture at the beginning where H is kissing T on the head. It`s beautiful!
Oh, that slideshow was so beautiful!!! He is just gorgeous! I can't believe it has been 1 year already~!
awwwww these things always make me cry. he seems like such a happy little guy
happy birthday tommy!
Dear Illahee
I've been a non-commenting reader of your blog for a while now but having just watched the beautiful montage of Tomoyuki you put together I just had to post my first comment. You should be incredibly proud of yourself for raising these beautiful happy children. I know its tough and you get down and its in many ways a thankless existence, but try to remember sometimes the enormity of what you have done and are doing - growing, nurturing, raising and caring for and ultimately setting free three little people into the world to go out and start their own adult lives someday. Take a moment to sit back and congratulate yourself on a job well done.
PS. Lovely photo of you.
OMG, I'm so sorry I forgot when I talked to you earlier! Happy birthday Tommy!! :)
Happy Birthday kiddo!!! : )
Happy Belated Birthday Tommy! Only three days older than Marina. Read his birth story. Sounds difficult and very ouchy. I though these things were meant to get easier. At least thats what I'm hoping :)
GW--it wasn't nearly as painful as sasha's birth, which was my comparison for tommy's! it never got that painful, so i was actually really happy!
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