yoshi seems to be preparing for some big presentation or inspection or something, so even though he came back from his trip on wednesday night (late), he came home late last night, and is still not home tonight. *and* he has to work tomorrow. and since he has a lecture on sunday morning, and we're going to the yochien on sunday afternoon, *and* he has another business trip starting on monday, i am feeling really stressed. we didn't go anywhere today because hiro is driving me up the wall. oh the whining!!! i have so few friends and no one to talk to, and i am feeling the pinch. i was disappointed by a friend last month and no longer have any respect for her. well, that's no longer anything i worry about. time for bed, maybe i'll finally have some peace and quiet for the day.
While the husbands away...
crack open some more wine.
And have some for me too - hub is working ALL weekend. bugger shit.
Hope you get some TLC when hub's project is over - although he is probably thinking same thing. That he will deserve some after the long nights! Maybe you can pawn the kids off to relatives and inlaws for the night... If we even had a train station in Kunimi I would offer but :(
They started making train tracks but they got destroyed by massive typhoon about thirty years ago and they never resumed building. Lazy bastards.
Cheers to you illahee. There will be light.
Oh - and Sasha's wild hair looks great :)
Oh, Illahee!!! I so hope you have lots of relaxing moments this weekend! We are off to the in-laws. Only a day trip. Gotta figure out what "cute" thing Jun will wear and "respectable" thing I will. Hmmm. Running out of options here! Glad the days when my MIL and I did NOT see eye to eye are gone! PRAISE GOD they are over!
By the Way - did your crochet books come in? I got two things made - need to take some pics. Want to make an afghan, maybe. Do you ever order yarn on line?
Hope you at least had a good sleep last night and that things will be a bit smoother for you today. Once Hiro has settled into Yochien things should get a bit easier for you and who knows, you might meet someone there who turns out to be your best friend.
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