today when we were at the fabric store (in the AEON super center okagaki), hiro wet his pants. i lifted his shirt and sure enough, his jeans were wet. the employees who were helping me (they are having a special ordering thingamajig, and i ordered another bobbin case for my embroidery floss) noticed (poor hiro!) and commented on it, but didn't really make a big deal about it (no 'kaiwaisou!'s or 'eeeehhhhh?!?'s, though one lady did ask him if he was uncomfortable) i think it finally clicked for hiro. for the rest of the day, whether he was wearing a diaper or a pair of underpants, he used the toilet to go pee (he did poo in his diaper, though). i think this is a big breakthrough! i guess we'll have to see what tomorrow brings...

this afternoon i had to go out to get eggs (what?! didn't i go to the super-center?!) so to make it worth the drive, we went to global arena to play. even tommy got down and in the action, he was so cute!

and a picture of sasha's wild hair. it's never been cut, though yoshi keeps bugging me about it. it can be a pain, but i want to take care of it. the thing is, she keeps pulling the pony-o's out! lol
Ooohh fingers crossed for you on the nappy front. Your travel bag must be enormous with three sizes of nappies to lug around!
I love Sasha's hair. I've never cut Amy's either and she is finally going all day with it tied back which means way less tears when we have to brush it!
Congratulations!! We're also deep in the throes of potty-training; most pee makes it into the potty, but so far we've had only one accidental poop make it. One of these days...
We're a curly-haired bunch here, too - great pictures!
Thanks for stopping by my BATW yesterday!
Potty training...ah...I remember those days.
poor little fella! the kids look like they are having fun!
it's funny, because hiro and sasha have been the same size diaper for so long. first medium, now large. and now tommy is just about big enough for the large, so as soon as the tape diapers are used up, he'll be in the pull-ups with sasha!
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