ooohhhhhh all power to you! Bedtimes are the worst when I'm on my own. The rest of the day I can manage and meals are actually easier as my two don't bat an eyelid at cereal for dinner :) but bedtime... @_@ Sending positive sleep vibes your way!!
just a bewildered american woman stuck in japan with a husband, a boy, a girl and another little boy. if you find my sanity, you can keep it. i don't think i would know what to do with it now!
ooohhhhhh all power to you! Bedtimes are the worst when I'm on my own. The rest of the day I can manage and meals are actually easier as my two don't bat an eyelid at cereal for dinner :) but bedtime... @_@ Sending positive sleep vibes your way!!
I'm glad he's coming back to you guys today. : )
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