today we went to costco with kuri and her pinglet. we had lots of fun, though tommy didn't feel well in the morning, and the pinglet wasn't impressed with our car seating arrangements. ;) first we went to the petting zoo there. sasha was afraid of everything, even the timid guinea pigs which were in a tiny guinea pig corral. personally i find the roaming pot-bellied pig terrifying, and i swear it had tusks the last time we were there (and i told kuri it had them and she was all, 'where?!' and didn't see them. maybe they were removed....) which actually nudged me while i tried to give the bunnies tidbits.
sasha cried every time a bunny hopped, and i told her that the bunnies wouldn't hurt her. but she didn't believe me and stayed as far away from the animals as she could until we left. we went to the baby room to change diapers (poor tommy and his tummy!) and then off to costco, which i think was kuri's first visit, ever. i think she enjoyed it. i did as always, and managed to spend a lot. i got a new blender, since tommy broke our previous one (thankfully, thankfully he wasn't injured when he knocked the pitcher against the ume-boshi pot and broke the darn thing!) but i have had some bananas that are dying to be made into cake (ha! 'dying' bananas) and now i can do so. there is also some vanilla ice cream in the freezer that i just might be able to persuade into milkshakes...
anyway, at bedtime this evening, sasha suddenly told me she wanted to go see the bunnies! i told her it was dark and the bunnies were sleeping. 'oh, ok.' she said. hiro repeated, 'the bunnies are sleeping.' a few minutes later sasha cried, 'wanna go drive and see sleeping bunnies!!' oh, my smart girl!! i told her the drive would make her sleep so she might as well stay here and sleep. so cute!
March 9, 2025
10 hours ago
That's so sweet. Do you think she'll be better next time you go or is it a distance makes the heart grow fonder thing?
Jun, our famous dog lover, now climbs my leg whenever any mutt walks by. I guess they are developing something in those smart little brains. Hope she will like dogs again soon. Like by Dec., as my folks have a nice old dog!
I think that's neat that you and Kuri and the kids, all got to enjoy Costco together! : )
i think that she finally realized what she missed out on, miles and hours away from the bunnies. if we see them again soon, i am sure they will terrify her again!
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