...hahaha. just a one day holiday for hiro yesterday, but i have to admit i was sooooo ready for him to go to school this morning. poor hiro! he is so sweet when he gets off the bus, he even gave me a hug and a kiss! that probably won't last much longer, but i did miss him loads. and, he nearly fell off the bus, he looked so sleepy! but then, after we got home, life was hell. whine this, cry that, ignore mommy everything else. it gets better, right? right?!
not that sweet little boy with the angelic face? Yes it gets better!
Ha ha. I smile a touch too enthusiastically when I wave goodbye most Monday mornings. Horrible, isn't it? ;P
He looks so grown up in that picture. Did you knit the sweater? It's adorable. I couldn't put my kids in anything white that requires handwashing! @_@
nah, that gorgeous sweater was purchased at the gap. there's no way i could knit something like that! (not yet, anyway.)
Glad to hear things are going well with kindergarten!
I think he looks so handsome in that picture!
Sounds like Jun when she is tired! What a handsome picture!!!
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