i am not quite ready to go to work. i mean, i'm not ready for the commitment, to being tied down. it would be nice to 'get out', to make a little cash and a part time job does that, but even getting a private lesson (or two, or three) can be a hassle, in that you can't get out of it easily. eventually these things do end, but i suspect i would want out of it long before a student would want/need to finish.
what i'm thinking of is getting a 'real' job, because there might not be any in a couple of years. as it is now, there is plenty of jobs on gaijinpot and that sort of thing, but who knows in a year or two? should i get a job now so that, at the very least, i have a year or two of salary saved up, plus a job that i can (most likely) keep, or do i wait? and if nothing else, it will look good on my resume. or, do i indulge myself? spend at least another year at home with my beautiful babies without a worry about who needs to be where, when, who needs a lunch, ect. plenty of time for that in the future.
*sigh* that's why i'm waffling. i don't know what to do!
March 6, 2025
3 hours ago
Here is my two cents, I say indulge and spend time with your babies. The time with them never comes back because they grow up so fast.
Yeah, I see what you mean. Once you get into kindy and whatnot, your day is totally regimented by the clock - you may as well enjoy your free life now!
I don't think getting a job now would guarantee job security in the future anyway, though storing up some cash could be a good idea.
Though, I would probaby end up just spending it anyway...
No matter what, you'll do whatever is right for you and for your family. Extra time with their mother is great for kids, but spending a bit of time away from her won't hurt them. So whatever you decide, it will be fine.
Shell makes a really good point. The time really does fly by!
I also agree with Rachel in that I don`t think getting a job now will guarantee job security in the future. So, if that is your main concern, I would say stay with the babes. But, if you are really worried about saving some cash, then a job is a good idea and you can save quite a bit working part-time.
I loved my part-time schedule in Okinawa because I only worked 3 days per week so I never felt burnt out and the money was significant.
Sorry, my comment is not particularily helpful! It`s a tough choice.
Good luck with whatever you decide.
i know that having a job now is not a guarantee, but it just might be an advantage. *sigh*
Thanks for visiting me. Hope you get your work or not sorted out... But it's as Shell says: kids do grow up far too fast!
Stay home with the babies!
That is a tough one. I can understand about wanting a little time away from the kids for your own thing and then the job/money concerns, but I guess the thing that I would be thinkging about would be if I went back to work would it make things better or would I feel even more stressed out and tired trying to get all the things done for the kids and around the house and all that plus working at an outside job too.
In my case I am fairly certain that at the moment it would cause me more stress and chaos trying to pack in everything in 24 hours so I am going to wait for a while longer before looking into a return to paid work. And I also agree with Shell. I think at the end of my life it will be the time I spent with my kids that is the most cherished, even if they were driving me crazy most of that time. LOL!
I have been in Japan a good long while, through several ups and downs with the economy. Things might be tough later, but you can probably find something if you wait, although it might not as easy as it is now. Of course, saving up money is always a good thing....
Whatever you decide to do I am sure it will all work out.
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