i have been considering work. i mean, working out of the house. as in, making mo-nay. recent global economic woes have prompted these thoughts, a bit. i mean, i've been thinking about it from time to time, more to get out of the house and have a break from the kids than to make money and contribute to the family's finances. but i haven't been ready. and i still don't think i'm ready, but i am about ten times more ready than i was even a month or so ago.
the problem is my one skill (for making top yen in japan, at the moment) is teaching english. mainly just because i'm a native speaker. if we're heading into a recession, shouldn't i be getting a job now? especially one in a government school, rather than a private eikaiwa. right? but...i'm not quite ready. but i could be ready in april. maybe. it's hard to tell, isn't it? i am not one who wants to teach from her house, even (secret) private lessons. and with tommy and sasha, i don't think i can quite do the 'lesson in a coffee shop/cafe' type thing. *sigh* and my japanese isn't nearly good enough for translation work, even if i had any contacts to send me any.
what to do, what to do?! i wish i could just enjoy the next two years, but i'm not so sure that's going to be possible....
March 6, 2025
6 hours ago
Oh - your kids are adorable! I would highly recommend some part-time teaching of English - it's great fun and a good way to get to know people and customs...
Thanks for visiting me in Sweden!
What about native check or proofreading work? You could do it from home, get a little extra cash and not have to worry too much about Tommy & Sasha as you could still stay home.
There is also english teaching by phone or internet that might suit you.
The other option is maybe doing one full day a week at a kindy or preschool- extra money but easy to give the kids to someone else one day a week!
Hope you figure things out- I know that even if Shun & I have kids I will need to work otherwise I doubt we could make ends meet...but that said I would still like to stay at home with bub (or bubs) and work from home if possible or maybe just one or two days a week.
Best of luck
Yeah why not, a bit of work goes down well. Our town offers free daycare for No.3, I think I might take them up on it, and expand my hours from next April. In the meantime I do a few hours, and it's good to get away, put some nice clothes on, and think.
Something part time might be a good first step into the working world. A few hours a week isn't as big an investment of yourself or your time as a fulltime job so you can see if you're ready.
I talk a big game about working again but i still haven't made the leap myself. So i know exactly how you feel. :)
I read the first post before reading this one. I still say if you can swing it financially to stay home. You know you have my support either way.
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