this morning was pretty tough...
let's back track: i haven't written about this because it probably belongs in the TMI file, but here goes...when my period started up again this past summer, it was kinda weird. rather uncomfortable in my midsection (and i'm not talking about cramps, though i had those, too.) it seemed to get worse each month, so last month i went to the doctor to get checked out. in japan you nearly always get an ultrasound, even for a normal pap smear (the lovingly nick-named 'vagi-cam'). how many of you ladies in japan have received a 'photo' of your insides? lol anyway, i had an exam and everything looked ok. i even had a pregnancy test (though i can't imagine why i needed one, since my period had started the day before and as a woman who has experienced three pregnancies, i think i know whether i'm pregnant or not! ha!) and was definitely not expecting any bundles of joy. the doctor couldn't see anything wrong and just thought it was normal menstruation pains. fun. he did give me some strong pain medication, which i gladly took!
this month's period has come much too early (gah!) and this morning it struck me with a blinding headache and nausea like you wouldn't believe. since starting this summer, i have had nausea with my period, let me tell you it sucks. *sigh* it was so bad today, though, that i actually threw up. which didn't make my head feel any better. and, i couldn't find the pain meds that the doctor gave me last month! i had to organize hiro's stuff, get everyone freshly diped and dressed, then out the door for the bus. luckily i timed it just right so that the bus arrived just as we did. phew! then back home where sasha and tommy whined, cried and screamed their way through the morning. ow ow ow! i had meant to keep tommy awake so that he would nap in the afternoon (when sasha naps) but i finally had to put him in bed just to reduce the noise! popped in a video for sasha and i SEARCHED for that medicine. luckily i found it, took some and then lay down until the video finished. then tommy woke up, i took another pill and then we went out for lunch. the medicine is working, and i am happy about that, but i'm getting worried. each month shouldn't be worse than the last, right?
i know this is delving into personal information, and i hope i haven't grossed anyone out, but the reason i bring it up is because i'm glad i'm not pregnant. i know i've been kidding around a bit here and there about having another, and a small part of me would like to have another baby, but for the most part yoshi and i are done. this period thing sucks, though. *sigh* but i am reminded of what it was like to go through pregnancy. i was lucky to have 'easy' pregnancies, but it still wasn't a picnic. i do miss that newborn stage, though. it passes by so quickly!!
March 4, 2025
9 hours ago
I hope you feel better soon. Fwiw, today is my last day of my "you know what" : ). At the start of this week, gah, I felt all, blech, all yuck. I had to have a day to rest, because I felt like crud. : ( Warm tea for me in the day, an Advil, and a nice hot soak in the tub before bed.
Anyway just wanted to say, I hope you feel better. : )
That really does sound awful. Hopefully your period returns to the way it was sooner rather than later. I have never heard of nausea related to period pain? That must be awful.
Gina - we have exactly the same cycle... TMI from me this time!
Oh, Illahee! I so hope they find what's up inside you!!! Will you try for a second opinion?
And the newborn stage. I really don't remember it, with Jun, which is one reason a small small percentage of me would adopt again in a minute. I think I would be more relaxed and enjoy it more and remember it more the second time around. And Jun would be a great big sister. Oh well...
Take care of yourself!
I had thirty years of completely normal periods (with time off for child-bearing), and then suddenly have had some horrible ones. Doctors here couldn't find anything wrong with me -- they think it's just part of the normal aging process, as my hormones get screwy leading up to menopause.
I finally empathize with what some of my friends went though every month, most of their lives.
wow?!! I don't know what to say except I hope it gets better .
And it's not TMI, so don't worry. lol
It sounds like the headaches and vomiting may be migraines due to changes in hormones around that that time. This happens to a lot of women.
I find that simple over the counter migraine med - like Excedrine Migraine -is enough to help the migraines I get like that, but of course I have to order it from America or bring it back with me. You might try something like that and see if it helps. The pain killers in it might help with the other pain you have since most OTC stuff from America is often stronger than the prescription meds here, yk.
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