if you blog regularly, do you ever compose posts in your head as you're going along doing other things? like, doing the dishes, or washing your hair, or maybe sitting at your desk at work doing the little things? do you ever actually write these things? i find myself writing blog entries in my head (usually while driving, no wonder i get speeding tickets...) that i never have time to type out. well, what i actually mean is i never fully remember them when i get a chance to sit down at the computer. *sigh* recently the head-blogging trend has been about memories, especially childhood memories. maybe one of these days i'll manage to write something that's in my head...
too funny. *sigh* ok, off to put the kidlets to bed.
Nariwa Art Museum by Ando Tadao
6 hours ago
I think I have finished a book in my head while I have been gardening.. the only problem is that all the wonderful ideas and funny episodes seem to disappear as soon as I sit down at the computer to type them out!
I do that all the time.....so annoying!
LOL, me too! And whenever I'm doing something, I think "Oh, this'll make a great blog entry!" or "I've got to get a picture of that for my blog!" But 96% of it never sees the light of the internet.
yes yes and YES!
sometimes i come up with some (self proclaimed) great wording for something i saw or thought, but then that big white screen shows up and my wonderful wording is no where to be found...
I don't blog regularly on my blog but it is written daily in my head.
LOL- I think its wonderful how blogging can be a source of creativity, therapy, reflection and adds to our lives and can be shared with others.
i blog AND compose facebook "status updates" in my head...
too funny! I do this all the time too. a lot of my head-blogging is about trips we take and places we go.
Me too!
Sarah in Nova Scotia
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