today i went to the clinic (which i visited last week) to get my results. i waited for one and a half hours and then had had enough. it's bad enough that i waited more than three hours last week, but to wait so long for results. i'm trying very hard not to complain, but...*sigh* i just don't understand why i didn't get an appointment. esp. for something that shouldn't take that long. i get that pregnant women go there on a regular basis. and they get appointments. but my time is important, too. there is absolutely no reason why i can't get an appointment to see a doctor and discuss the results of my tests with her.
which just goes to show that preventative medicine really isn't that important in japan. and that's about as negative as i want to go with this.
i can handle being a new patient and waiting my turn until he or she is available (and i understand how lucky i am to be seen on the same day that i go to the clinic instead of making an appointment for weeks, or months, later. although, last year i would have made an appointment for this year--except that my previous clinic seems to have disappeared.) so, i am grateful for having been seen. but i guess i won't know the results, because i JUST DON'T HAVE THE TIME TO SIT AROUND IN A CLINIC WAITING AREA FOR NO GOOD REASON. ahem.
March 3, 2025
5 hours ago
oh that is a looooooooooooooooong time to wait.... really really long
It sucks that you have to wait around so long just to get results...
It reminded me actually of when I went back to Australia in May. I went and got blood work done just to make sure that I had no underlying problems that may have caused *it* but because I was only there for a week my mum had to go and get the results. She apparently waited for nearly 2 hours for the doctor to say, "Everything is fine"... 2 seconds later mum was out the door driving home. Ridiculous, isn't it!!
it's such a bummer! i guess i just wanna be snuck in between the preggo ladies. i mean, i'm pretty sure the dr is just gonna tell me everything's ok. that doesn't take long. whereas the pregnant ladies have blood pressure, ultrasounds, doplars...
AND, if it were just me that'd be ok, too. i have books, i could have taken something small to knit or crochet, or whatever. but trying to keep two toddlers contained? and quiet? uh-uh. *sigh* maybe in a couple of years i'll be able to go on my own. here's hoping no cancer until then!
That does suck. Can you get the results sent to a local doctor or even over the phone?
I have to say I'm jealous you can take your kids. My favourite women's clinic went no kids last year. I understand they do a lot of infertility treatments and toddlers nutting out might put people off or whatever ;P but a women's clinic with a no kids rule????
That is so so bad.Must say that at my local clinic,you come in,write your name on the list and they follow that order(unless obviously there is an emergency) whatever your reason for being there.
this is a local clinic. one of three in the city. i think that it's popular because it has a female doctor on staff.
and come to think of previous clinic would call if something was wrong. so, no call, no worries. but...this doctor was acting like i couldn't speak japanese and she had to write everything down in english (because she couldn't speak english well) so maybe she thought i wouldn't understand anything over the phone. which is weird because when i first called the clinic i spoke to the head doctor who speaks excellent english and we also spoke in japanese. so who knows. maybe everyone is supposed to come in to get their results.
this is a clinic i have never been to before and will probably not go to again. i don't have a preference between a male or female doctor and if that is making the clinic crowded...things like this make me realize that maybe there is a ob/gyn shortage after all...
maggie, i think the pregnant women all had appointments, so they get first priority. *sigh*
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