this evening (after the kids were asleep) i went off to joyfull for some me time. i took the book, harry potter and the philosopher's stone. i haven't read this book in probably a year, and it was quite refreshing. i can see how this idea just walked into jk rowling's head, and i really love how she developed it (in the first book). i admit, i saw the movie before i read the book. i was a bit in denial about reading the books, because they were so popular. but, the movie previews looked good, so i saw it. i really enjoyed it, and i usually find the book much better than the movie, so i got the first one. then the next. and the next. i bought the british versions because i liked the covers. i thought they were nicer looking.
i have read all of the books more than once. i love to read, and if i find something really good, i love going back and revisiting all my old friends again. i can't tell you my favorite. i don't really have a favorite character (though of course, i have favorites!) and it doesn't bother me that this is a 'young reader's book, i have loved reading since i was in jr. high, where i would read anything that kept me interested!
it's harder to get books (in english) these days, at least for me. i miss going to the library. *sigh* and because of the expense, the books i buy are usually the ones i'm going to keep. there are the few that i buy and then pass on to friends, and of course there are those that i receive from others, which i then give away. but some, like harry potter, stay with me, probably forever.
even though joyfull was crowded, smoky and hot (and oh! the hambaagu smell!) i hardly noticed because i was enjoying harry's story. living in the cupboard. going to the zoo. the magical letters and then meeting hagrid....i hardly noticed the time slipping by but then i had to go home. because it was late. and i was sleepy.
March 3, 2025
5 hours ago
I hate it when people try to nail me down to a favourite book, character, or author. I hvae dozens! And more than that depending on mood! LOL
Enjoy your book! :)
I LOVE the Harry Potter series... I caught on a bit late as well. Right around the time of the first movie being released but read the first 4 in a matter of days and was waiting the last 3 with baited breath!! Like you I can read them over and over again and really look forward to sharing them with my kids in the years to come!!
me tooo..
you must read twilight it is good.. it really is good
also two of my fav's is Oryx and crake by margaret atwood and the time travelers wife...
i think I might pick up the potter series again just for something good to read :)
Oh I so know how you feel about books - if I had my way, I'd be reading all day long.
One I've just finished reading is Mudbound by Hillary Jordan which was really good.
I have loads of books taking up space here so if there is anything in particular you'd like to read and I have it, I'll happily pass it on to you. Or tell me what kind of book you like (or don't like) and I'll send you a potluck!
I definitely know how you feel about books. I could probably give up almost anything (TV, music, music, etc) but I definitely couldn`t get rid of my books.
I just read the Harry Potter Series back at the beginning of May. The only disappointment I find in reading is that its over all too soon. I think it took a little over a week to read the 7 books.
Hi Illahee, I just wanted to say that I could always send you some books- I read a lot and would be happy to send you some if you did pay on delivery!
I will let you know (haven`t been back long so haven`t accumulated many read ones yet!)- Sarah & Nay and I kind of swap our books around first but then any extras I have or get back I can pass on!
I am a harry potter fan also!
thanks for the offer of books! so many kind people read my blog! sadly, we have books coming out of our ears, too, otherwise i would love to take them in. i did give away a bag of books over golden week...i should join some kind of book swappers or moochers or whatever!
I was just going to say, "Join Bookmooch". I have the same problem...many books and no space for them. I've managed to give away quite a few books this year, plus I've gotten 4 that I wanted to read for free. I don't mind giving books away to good homes.
And, thanks for putting me in your blog roll :-)
That umeshi looks real good. I buy the pickled one to eat with rice, love it. I didn't know you could make a drink with it.
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