i am totally lifting this off nay's blog, because it seems pretty cool! (thank you copy & paste for the capitalization!! lol)

Three Blogs I Read Every Day Without Fail:

1. the pioneer woman
2. gaijin wife
3. scribbit

Three Blogs That Have Been on my Blogroll the Longest (to the Best of my Faulty Memory):

1. motoki's log
2. homesick home
3. blue lotus

Three Blogs on my Blogreader That Aren’t (Yet) on my Blogroll:

1. cherry blossom adventures (lulu, please please please, may i put you on my blogroll??)
2. hello kitty hell
3. wind in your vagina

The Three Newest Blogs Added to My Blogroll and/or Blogreader:

1. the thrifty knitter
2. paper and string
3. once upon a tanbo

Three Bloggers Who I Wish Wrote More Often:

1. deenster in tokyo
2. cafe yamashita
3. green-eyed geisha

If You’re Interested in ________ , You Should Read These Three Blogs:

1. expat life in egypt wandering the world
2. being a mother her bad mother (and check out the basement, too!!)
3. photography the traveling photographer

ok, i don't know the tagging rules, but if you want to try this one, do it! please let me know if you do.