yoshi goes back to work tomorrow, and i think he's ready to go back! he definitely has a good idea what my day to day life is like, so i hope his understanding lasts for a good while. he's been a real trouper, though, and we've had a really lovely holiday (broken toilets notwithstanding.)
we have a real backlog on the laundry, so i actually went to the laundromat today. the sun was playing peek-a-boo this morning but then the clouds won and since i still have so much dirty stuff left to clean, it was better to just go and get it done. plus, i don't have to worry about bugs or burning fields.
i took my knitting and crocheting with me to figure out where i am and what i need to finish. i am quite behind but i really haven't had time for myself to sit and craft, what with christmas, cleaning and new year's, in addition to everything else i have to do.
2008 was a good year, up to a point, so i have no complaints. i've even lost a few pounds in the last few weeks (and only gained back a pound over the holidays!) so hopefully i've got things on track. i hope 2009 is a good year!
March 12, 2025
17 hours ago
I have been following your blog for a while and laugh as I read a lot of the things that you are doing, mainly because they are exactly what I am doing too! It is always good to read about people in similar situations who are really enjoying themselves. Thank you for reminding me that I am not alone in some of the crazy things I have to do here!
My mother left on Saturday and the backload of washing was pretty amazing here too... fortunately I managed to hang three loads up around the room last night and our fire dried them all by the morning!
I hope 2009 is a great one for you.
Congratulations on the few pounds lost!
My hubby actually did a load of laundry by himself - hung it up and everything! I think, just like your hubby, he saw that being at home doesn't mean lazing around, eating and watching tv all day... :D
Best wishes for 2009!
Congrats on the weight loss.
My hubs was back to work today too. I am not sure who was more relieved - him or me. LOL!
The kids miss playing Mario Kart with him for 8 hours straight though.
i'm catching up on my blog reading, if I didn't do it before I'm wishing you, yoshi and the children a great new Year! May you be blessed !
Hi Illahee! I finally caught up with the laundry, and Ryu vacuumed the carpet! We are ready for 2009!
I started two afghans while in the US, and haven't finished Jun's yet! I have so much to do, but crocheting is so relaxing. I need to get back to it soon!
Happy New Year!!!
Hub is back at work too today - albeit thousands of miles away and none the wiser about what looking after two kiddies by self is like. That said though I think he misses the chaos of us being home. I am definately in my 'want to go back to Japan' mode. Must remember in future that five weeks is about my limit!!
yay for the weight loss - except think you sent it to New Zealand so thanks for that.
2009 will be a great year.
(no doubt my only optimistic comment for another twelve months!!)
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