last year we didn't really plan our garden. some things just started growing, probably because of composting. well, i did plant a couple of goya plants. but we had some great tomato plants, and a couple of pumpkin vines that gave us a couple of pumpkins. that was cool.

this year we've planted a few things, and at the moment the tomatoes are doing GREAT! the problem? tommy keeps picking the green tomatoes off. i don't know if he thinks they're balls (toys) or just something cool to pick off the plants, but it's driving me crazy!! i don't think i'm going to let the kids play in the garden too often! yikes! my poor poor tomato plants....

as an aside to gardening, what the hell happened to the rainy season? yes, we had cloudy--and a few, but only a few, rainy--days for two weeks, but the past four or five days? gorgeous!! and not a bit humid! the only problem was the first clear day it was also VERY sandy, so that was kind of a bummer. but i LIKE rainy season! well, except maybe the not being able to dry laundry part. but i like the rain, it reminds me a bit of home. AND, rainy seasons with lots of rain help keep the suzumebatchi population down. *sigh* come back, rainy season!!