so mojavi started a new meme, and she tagged me! but, i have been really out of it lately (hot and tired, tired and hot) so i have only just now gotten to it! sorry about that!

basically it's all about spreading the word about blogs you read, and other's you've never read before. complicated? maybe a bit, here are the simple rules:

"1. Pick one of your favorite blogs leave a comment on their blog telling them about the meme, then write about how you found them, why you keep reading them, and what they blog about.

2. You pick a blog from their blogroll, YOU HAVE NEVER READ, give a small blurb about what you liked about their blog.... comment on the blog to let them know about the meme (if you have nothing nice to say PICK ANOTHER ok.. this is all about the love baby!)"

so first, a blog i read:

drama mama. i 'found' this blog on an island life (which is an awesome blog from hawaii, i so want her life! lol) in the comments. i noticed dee because she was blogging from my hometown in washington! i was intrigued, and have been reading ever since then.

now second, a blog off dee's blogroll:

charmed life. i don't really read many blogs outside of japan (but i must, since i have over a hundred blog feeds on bloglines) so if this is a very popular blog, i had no idea. she also used to live in japan until last month! i should have known...anyway, she blogs often, and writes well (good things in a blog!!) and i am looking forward to reading more.

there. now, to continue the meme, i am going to tag a few people; nay, vicky, and kuri. i also hope the two blogs i wrote about here will continue the meme!