heathya sparkling, originally uploaded by illaheebaby.

someone asked me about the fat-burning drink i had the other day, and so i promised to take a picture and blog about it. sorry, it's a keitai pic. it's called 'healthya', and it claims to burn fat. it also claims to have 540 mg of tea catechin which is supposed to be healthy. also has: vitamin C, charcoal filtered water (but that may be my crap kanji reading skills...), low calories (21kcal) and no juice. oh, it has something else that i've always translated as 'queen bee extract' but i think i mean 'royal jelly', but i think i'm going to have to ask yoshi what it really means! LOL so, check back for edits. [EDIT: it means 'citric acid'. talk about being way off! LOL] the label also suggests drinking one a day. ha!

anyway, it does taste pretty foul, like an aspartame aftertaste. this one is lemon flavor, but there's also grapefruit and citrus (although i'm not entirely sure about citrus). and not all of them are sparkling. they're also more expensive than regular PET bottled drinks (about 189 yen), so you're probably just better off drinking green tea with lemon. but hey, if something works....