you know, it's funny. i started this blog more than 8 years ago, and i've never had a troll. never had a drive-by comment, never had a hate-filled rant in the comments section. i've always chalked that up to not having a very interesting blog, not many random readers and well, the gall-durned best readers and commentors a blogger could wish for.
that changed yesterday.
my feeling has always been, don't feed the trolls. i've also been someone to stand by my words, and am very upset if i am censored or deleted, so my policy has been to never delete comments. it's never been an issue until now. i wouldn't be creating a blog post about it right now (you know, because crazy sick people get off on this kind of attention) except i'm afraid of losing friends, of no longer having special people who mean more to me than they can probably imagine. but i need to say these things.
i won't be deleting the trolls comments. and i will fully own being hypocritical because one of the comments was deleted by me, but it was truly awful, very sick and messed up. and didn't have a lot to do with the issue already brought up by the sick person, just a disconnected rant by a crazy person. but the others will stay.
when i posted the photo in that blog post, i first asked permission of those included in the picture. and when i first received notice of the hateful comment, i went back to these women and asked them if any one of them wanted me to take it down. i was not personally offended, i know who and what i am, but if anyone felt uncomfortable, i would take it down. as it was a sunday, and a holiday, there wasn't a lot of response, but the response that was there was to keep it up. then more hate was spewed, and it was suggested that i either take the photo or the comments down. i elected to take down the photo. this is my blog, it is my space and i wanted to address the hate and nonsense spewed by one sad individual. i don't want to sweep this under the rug and pretend it didn't happen. that is why the comments stay.
i put comment moderation on yesterday because i was going to be gone all afternoon and not get home until late, and didn't need my blog exploding while i was having fun. i will probably keep moderation on for a little while longer, and i apologize for that. i will try to get to any comments as soon as i can. (FWIW, i haven't had a lot of comments lately, and i know that's mostly because of my lack of blogging and/or interesting posts, but also maybe because of blogger and wordpress not getting along well.) truly nasty and personal comments that have nothing to do with the post on hand will not be published. that's my right. i hope you can all understand.
March 6, 2025
42 minutes ago
Well said. Pity you had to take down the photo but I understand. I kept up the hateful I'm a shit mummy rant someone commented on my blog ages ago. But I agree on not posting irrelevant bollocks.
Your blog. You decide.
I'm so sorry you had to deal with this crap. This is your space and you shouldn't have to deal with it being invated by nutters, especially not ones that spout the hateful kind of crazy. I however am now more determined to de-lurk and comment more in the hope that encouraging and friendly comments will outweight all the horrible stuff. And I loved that picture by the way, and loved getting to know everyone the night it was taken. Hopefully we'll get the chance to do it again.
Hi, I read anonymously but never comment. :)
I'm commenting now to say WOW what a rude troll! I'm sorry you had to put up with that.
The crap they were spewing looks remarkably similar to the crap that was spewed on Corinne's blog, and apparently a few other "women in Japan" blogs, a few months ago. Maybe it's the same loser who's gone off his meds again?
It blows, but I guess we have to look at it in percentages, how many people read (may not comment but the readers are more than we think)and either keep hateful stuff to themselves or bother to comment with something that actually contributes. 1 small man with a mental problem out of how many amazing people we get to know through blogging. It's horrible when trolls come out of the woodwork though, it must be the change in weather or something. I'm waiting for some abuse on my blog. I turned comment moderation on because of trolling too but it's good to take control, can't let the whack jobs think they actually have free reign.
Totally understand about the moderation. It does feels bit like someone went off his meds again.
I was one of the people whom he graced with his vitriol around Christmas. To be honest now, if I see his name on my pending comments, I just delete them unread. Don't need his crap in my head.
And I always read your blog but I don't always comment....sorry!
yo dude. look at you in the middle of a wierdo and your friends. that person sucks!!
anyhoo. just wanted to say HI
Wow, and I have been reading your blog for nearly 8 years!!
I agree with the others. That guy is a truly rude individual. I wouldn't even bother reading his comments anymore. Just click delete and move on.
Big hugs!!
All I will say is what a twat. Some people have too much time on their hands. Very reminiscent of the olden days on big daikon. You would think that the sad-sack "zero to hero" dudes would have gotten over themselves by now.
Yeah, it's as if someone is shitting on your lawn. Who DOES that? WHY?
I have left my share of snarky comments on people's blogs, particularly when they blog about issues I have strong opinions on, but never just ranting and abuse like that. I don't get why anyone would want to do that, and probably never will.
I have blogged off and on for years and never ran across troll issues. Or been trolled for that matter. But some of the blogs I comment on, I subscribe to comments too so I can read what others think on topics I comment on.
I was kind of shocked that someone would put that much effort into insulting another person. I do not have moderation turned on for my blog but then again I have never seen a need for it. In my mind, I figured if someone was going to be nasty on my blog, so be it for all to see.
Wow... I'm one who lives on YouTube and sees hate everywhere, but what that bitch was spouting seemed like she was mentally deranged. And if you look at her blog, it's nothing but hate. She's an absolute bitch and I'm sorry that you had to deal with that.
I agree with you. but I had to pull my blog off for a bit. He wrote a string on mine that would just tear my mom up. I am grateful you pointed it out on Sunday because I would never have checked mine and it would have been read by my family. I didnt even let Masa read them. For me, who has experienced racism as a child, who had to deal with the bullying last year of my son, it WAS humiliating, insulting and he certainly succeeded. But a few hours later I realized that he is so pathetic and unloved. Maybe he is attacking us because he was so neglected by his Mama and is jealous. He probably is still neglected and this is his only way of getting attention...having tantrums on women's blogs. poor, poor ame otoko.
Sucky stuff, eh? But good for you for sticking to your guns. Don't sweat it. :)
I don't comment much but I read all the time. I think it is your space and use it as you see fit. Sorry that you have to deal with such stuff.Don't let em get you down. I have only good thoughts about your blog. Stay strong. Mimi
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