well! a whole month and nothing done! more than a month, really, sorry about that. i've been so busy. i didn't really have access to a computer when i was in the US, and blogging from my phone is NO FUN. i'm not sure that many people read my blog any more (pauses seem to lose a blogger readers for some reason!! LOL) but i want to try to post more often. maybe go for a 365? lol maybe if i do it month by month...
i haven't even looked at my cameras since i got home. i didn't take a lot of pictures, that's one reason why. another is that i have been so busy! we got home late on a monday night, then hiro had to go to school, i had to teach, and then the rest of the week sasha and tommy had half days! i've been trying to cross stitch, finish up a crochet afghan and unpack my bags (still haven't emptied all but one of them. bad housewife, bad.) i guess things are starting to slow down, but will pick up again soon as it's nearing the end of the school year, and sasha will be starting first grade in april! yikes!
so, as soon as i've sorted out the pictures i should have something new posted here. i hope there are still some readers around here!
March 6, 2025
5 hours ago
I'm still here. : )
Still here and looking forward to a catch up in person or via your blog soon!
Fellow pauser blogger...still here.
Now you wanna do 365?????
From the freezer into the fire!!
Still reading! :)
Still here too,lol!
Looking forward to seeing your photos. So glad you made it to the US after the chicken pox shock. Nancy in tokyo
Good to read you again!
No need to excuse, we all know how it can be :-)
Have A Nice Day,
If it helps any I still have a suitcase full of summer clothes half unpacked in the butsudan room. Out of sight and all that :) Welcome home.
Still here (-;
welcome back (to Japan and to blogging!9 Looking forward to a catchup. :)
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