ok ok, i am getting tired of the christmas post, too! sorry, it's been a crazy few weeks. so much to do these days!
sasha has 'graduated' from kindergarten. so unreal! soon i will have two kids in elementary school. it's kind of a relief, really. we are nearly ready. i want to make her some bags, for her sports clothes, library books, mask and maybe a bento bag if i have enough material left over. i also need to get her name on her sports clothes, but everything else is pretty much ready. hm, that reminds me, though, that i need to find her pencil box and get her pencils and erasers ready.
i had an easter party for my students here at the house. it was QUITE an adventure. i certainly learned a lot, what NOT to do next time (if there is a next time!) classes are going well, otherwise, and i have a couple of new students starting in april.
sorry that i don't have any new photos for ya. i can't find the nikon, i guess i better ask yoshi where it is.
March 9, 2025
11 hours ago
I figured smart phones with 4MP or more cameras put that sector to sleep already?
congratulations on graduation!
Two down, one to go right?
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