sorry, ain't got much for you today. we went to the supermarket. big deal. we had lunch there (bought at the supermarket, not a restaurant). big deal. bought some diapers. woo hoo. alright, alright, i know, not an exciting life. at least it didn't rain much (it rained enough last night!)
ok, berry berry tired. am going to bed soon. hopefully tomorrow will be more interesting.
Senyuji Temple 58 Shikoku Ohenro Pilgrimage
9 hours ago
Sounds more interesting than mine!! I woke up, studied, had lunch, studied, had dinner, studied and now ready for bed. Times that by about 10 days and that's the story of my life! Thank goodness I finish on Friday!!
I bought (expensive) nappies (diapers) yesterday, cos as I was getting ready to go out the door, I realised I only had 1 left, so had to buy a packet right away! I am also going tomorrow to buy nappies - in bulk down at "Don Quiote" where "genki" are on sale for 1030yen for a pack of 69 M size nappies. I know - most of my days seem to be walk the dog, go to the supermarket to buy milk, walk the dog again...and that is it!
I like your clock (hehe)!
ah, the diapers we got yesterday were cheap, i think they're being discontinued (merries tape, 977 for a pack of large--they didn't have any M) so of course i bought them!! tommy is starting to move around a lot, but isn't quite crawling on his hands and knees so i can't use the pull-up kind on him yet.
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