sorry about that. today will be no different. medea and her family came up to visit us this weekend and i am tired out! we had great fun, though, going to the city and eating at subway (awesome!), checking out a fabric store (a real one, at last!) and heading to the gap to see what they had (i only bought a hat for sasha, believe it or not!) then we had BBQ at home, stayed up late (and i think i got medea addicted to 'so you think you can dance', mwahahaha!!) and then headed to costco today. a fun weekend, but i needs me some sleep! i'll try to be a better blogger, starting tomorrow!
there's a costco in Japan?
It sounds like a lovely weekend! I want to find a fabric shop over here in Shizuoka - because hopefully in the next 6 months or so, I will be getting a sewing machine!!! Actually, I'm pretty sure I am getting a sewing box from mum for Christmas, so I should hurry up with the sewing machine!
Sounds like a perfect weekend with perfect friends to share it with.Am drooling at the thought of Gap and Costco and can't believe how restrained you were at Gap...congrats;)
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