i usually don't complain about blogger. how can you complain about something that's free? i usually avoid photo problems by using flickr or photobucket. but my problem? i don't seem to be able to comment! on other blogs, and even my own. *sigh* if i haven't left you a comment over the weekend, it's not because i didn't want to!
hopefully this will be resolved soon! i NEED to comment on a friend's blog, badly!
(i did e-mail her, but i would really like to comment on her blog, too.)
March 17, 2025
10 hours ago
Wasn't just you ;I had the same problems with all my blog links and boy,did it piss me off.But then all was fine and dandy again!
I had the same problem that Marianne said! One morning this weekend, I woke up and as I drank my morning cup of coffee, I started to check my few fav blogs, and I could not access any of them! I could not read, yours Illahee. or Nay's, and many others, etc. And a whole bunch. Yet there were some I could access. I got a message everytime. I cut and posted the message and did a search on it said something that many have been having problems who go through Internet Explorer for blogs (which I do). Mostly blogs with maps, etc, as their side bar whatever. So, I didn't read blogs for days. I couldn't. And then like Marianne said, it just worked another day out of the blue for me. That was very weird for me. Ha ha ha. I could access the blogs with people who had minimal links. But people who had the fancy links or clocks and such, and maps, I could not read theirs at all. I know that might sound weird. but perhaps it happened to more of us. Who knows. : ) Just glad it is working now. Knocks on wood. : )
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