i had a lovely time in kanto. first, i got to meet the next AFWJ membership secretary, whom i had never met before, and we had lunch with an older member who lives in a beautiful old house in zushi. after lunch M and i were driven to her house by C, and then the two of us got working, training her on how to be the next MemSec. it took more than four hours, with a very short break, and i still forgot to tell her a couple of things! no worries, and i am still on the board, and still very very available to answer questions, and i have complete confidence that she will be an awesome MemSec.
after we finished up, M and her son walked me to the station so i could meet up with some bloggy friends. she also, very kindly, printed me some train schedules to help me on my way. there are so many train lines in kanto! (DUH) rather confusing, and i find that i have to face the fact that i am a country mouse. *sigh* anyway, i made my way to bryn's for a bloggy-friends-in-japan get-together.
i got there rather late, it was almost ten when i walked in the door! i had a slice of apple pie, which i bought just before meeting up with M, and then it was on to the drinks! i also made it a point to have my picture taken with everyone, but i think the best photo was the group photo taken before some members of the group had to go home.
[photo removed by request of one of those included. i have no problem with whatever anyone thinks of me or my appearance, this is my blog. but that's what it is, my blog, not any of the other wonderful and beautiful women in the picture. sorry that i can no longer show this image of love and beauty to you, my dear readers.]
yes, that's me, big and pink in the front. *sigh* that's what i get for leaning back, trying to fit in the picture! didn't realize i was already in it. oh well, motivation for fummy tummy!
so, who is here? (in no particular order, and sorry no linking unless requested, i'm still worn out from my weekend!) nooh, shinshu life, lily, bryn, lulu, alex, cecelia, gaijin wife, chrysanthemum mum and brenda (brenda, do you have a blog?? you do, why can i not remember it?? cue fifteen helpful people reminding me in the comments....) anyway, i had never met 6 of these wonderful women before, so i was so happy to finally meet them! and meet up with my good friends whom i have met on several occasions. hopefully we'll meet up again soon!
after i made an effort to catch up, ladies disappeared to bed (or comforting kidlets) until only two of us were left, and it was definitely time for me to go to bed! sunday morning was a slow, lazy day (of which i am extremely grateful to bryn!) and after everyone else had left (my flight was for 8 pm, so i had time to hang at bryn's house, which i didn't get to do on saturday) we had a lazy day in front of the tv (the weather wasn't so nice on sunday, sadly, otherwise i may have made more of an effort to do sight-seeing!) eventually, though, it was time for me to go. bryn helped me figure out a route back to the airport, but sadly i got on a wrong train along the way! luckily, it was going in the right direction *phew!* so i did manage to get to the airport in time to catch my plane!
all in all, a fun and productive weekend. and now i no longer have the responsibility of MemSec, but am now the secretary! wish me luck in my new venture!
Kurashiki Silhouettes
2 hours ago
Glad you got home safe & sound. It was lovely to meet you :)
I recently contacted you regarding the possibility to collaborate with InterNations,
Let me know if you are interested at: maltezeeck@internations.org
Wow...looks like you had a busy weekend! Still thinking about AFWJ but seems like I'm getting busier and busier here...!
Ame Otoko, I'm feeling a little neglected! I'm as fat, white and foreign as they come, but you never, ever comment on my blog :(
Is it b/c I'm not married to a Japanese man? Sorry, I've got a thing for black guys and you know what they say, once you go black, you never go back.
But I'm sure you could find SOMETHING about my life you think is pathetic or that just plain pisses you off. Come on Ame Otoko! *Please* come be an ignorant prick on my blog too!!!!!
that's enough. this is a family blog, for my family. for my friends. i put this picture up for my mom to see me, to see me with friends, to see me happy, to communicate with me. there's no need to be nasty here. take your sexist racist self elsewhere.
Deal with it biatch - us nonwhites deal with your death and destruction every single day.
Sexist? I actually care about the little girls gang-raped in Iraq by your white 'troops'. When have you?
You live in Japan for decades, your kind, and you know nothing nor care an inch for the thousands of Japanese women - and little girls - raped by Allied 'forces' postwar and reporting on which being censored by that mongrel MacArthur.
You want to call me sexist again?
idiot, you are a sexist. every word you type is sexist.
of course i care about abuse and murder around the world. but i cannot care about every little detail, or else it would destroy me. none of us can do that. i don't agree with war in iraq, or afghanistan, i thought it was a really really stupid idea. i did what i could to have my voice heard. obviously, these things still happen. and again, i can do what i can to make a change.
how dare you accuse me of not caring? i have enough to worry about without trying to save everyone in the world. it SUCKS, but none of us can do it.
as for human atrocities, the japanese are hardly guiltless in this world. neither are the chinese, or the koreans, or the indians, or africans, or europeans, or yes, even americans. NONE of the HUMANS are. this is a sad, shameful fact of our species. there is so much love, so much good, so MUCH JOY that can be created and sustained by us, just as there is so much pain, so much humiliation, so much DEATH. i wish it were not so, and yet the history books tells us it is. so what am i to do? rend my clothing? pull out my hair? or live my life as best i can, loving and changing the people i come into contact with? this is what i choose to do. I AM NOT PERFECT. i try my best, and sometimes i fail. but i still love my friends, my family, and i always try to be open to everyone i meet. it's not always easy, but it's what i do.
you cannot hurt me with your words, because i know who i am, and what i am, and who and what i want to be. i don't think you can say the same.
Ame Otoko clearly wishes he was a white woman. Sorry you're ugly and probably smell bad.
i have sent a complaint to your internet service provider, reporting this IP address.
if you feel so strongly about this, i advise you to actually do something about it instead of harassing strangers.
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