sorry to all my wordpress blogging friends. wordpress will no longer let me comment under my gmail email because i have a registered account with wordpress with that email. so, that means i HAVE to sign in with that account in order to use that email to make a comment on a wordpress blog. make sense? what that means is that i cannot use that email address which is also used for my gravatar (puts my specialized icon out there) and my blogger home address. i don't want to have a link to any of my wordpress blogs out there, or even my wordpress ID, nor do i wish to make a new gravatar with a new email address. when did this change? why does everything have to be so fucking connected now?? NOT COOL, WORDPRESS. or any social media that connects to EVERYTHING else whether you want it to or not!!
SO. i probably won't be commenting much on wordpress blogs. sorry about that. :(
the new blogger layout is very wordpress-like. i don't know if many of these things are new, or if they're just out there and easier to find, but i do like the statistics things and comment options. not the best ever, since it's similar to wordpress and i don't like blogging there. but i still like it over wordpress, so will probably be blogging here for a while longer.
this is not meant to put anyone down for using wordpress or another blogging platform. i am happy with blogger (still) so will be staying here. am just pissed that wordpress won't let me use the email i want to use for making comments on wordpress blogs. phooey to them!!
Achi Shrine Kurashiki
7 hours ago
Its fucked up. I try and comment on blogspot blogs using my wordpress login and half the time it freezes or just ignores me and redirects. bloody word verification too. grrrr. Everything used to be a lot easier!! If didn't want password protected posts I wouldn't have switched to wordpress.
So have you got secret wordpress blogs out there??
i don't have any secret blogs, except maybe the flummy one. and i remember signing up for a typepad/wordpress profile several years ago in order to comment on some typepad or wordpress blogs. i just never really felt comfortable blogging there (very confusing layout!!) and already had my illahee blog. i don't have a need for password protected posts so i don't think i need to blog at wordpress instead of blogger. :D
anyway, when i signed up for the profile, i used the gmail email and now that has come to be useless! stupid wordpress!
I have the same problem! Which is really annoying because I actually don't use wordpress. I just opened an account to see what it's like.
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