we had no plans today, but sasha seemed to have a tummy bug, so i took her to the clinic this morning. then i went to JTB to buy tickets to tokyo in a couple of weeks (only for me! yay!) and then took the kids to mcdonald's to lunch. had to be careful of sasha's sore tummy, of course, although she did eat a few french fries.
then it was back home and the kids wanted to watch harry potter "3", so i let them do that (they wanted a 'scary' one, and they haven't seen the prisoner of azkaban, or as they call it, harry potter 3). after a while, though, the movie lost its appeal and hitting each other with seat cushions was far more preferable. not for me, though, so i sent them outside to enjoy the sunshine. after a few minutes, though, someone hit someone else with a stick, so the sticks were banished to the trash, and the kids were sent to their beds.
soon enough, they were all asleep, so i crept back downstairs for 'me time'. it was so nice and quiet that i just couldn't bring myself to get started on spring cleaning. i really need to get that done! i am having a get-together at my house in just over a week, and i had better have the house looking great by then!!
i did manage to make dinner, though, and after a few hours the kids were downstairs and demanding to be fed. good thing i had actually made something! now we are all bathed and i am waiting for tommy to fall asleep.
not really a busy day, but i do need to get the cleaning started!
March 11, 2025
11 hours ago
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